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Yu Kanda(D.Gray-Man)
Nov 2013-Apr 2017(3 years 6 months, 11th Cosplay)
I debuted Yu Kanda at Pacific Media Expo in October 2013 at New York Comic-Con.
My first motivation was because my girlfriend at the time was cosplaying Lenalee and I wanted to be her Kanda. We got good attention at that con, but my initial version of that cosplay was not great.
Over time, I ended up wearing 3rd uniform at KatsuCon 2014, but still had plans to do 2nd uniform, which is my favorite.
I debuted 2nd uniform in Jan 2015 at Anime LA. My first D.Gray-Man cosplay group at Sakura-Con 2015. I eventually became part of 3 total D.Gray-Man groups.
I really liked this cosplay early on, but over time, it has waned in popularity. I loved calling Allens "shortsprout" and being the stoic hero.

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