Deidara(Naruto: Shippuden)
Deidara was my first ever cosplay, debuting at FanimeCon in May 2012. That alone makes is a very special cosplay in my heart.
My motivation for cosplaying Deidara was 1) because I loved Naruto the anime 2) because I thought Deidara was cool and 3) because I had never seen a guy cosplay Deidara before when I looked up the photos online.
I've been in so many groups in this cosplay, the group picture to the right is from Sakura-Con 2015 where I had two Sasori cosplayers! That was a special moment.
One time, at Fanime 2013, I got to face off against Sasuke. That has happened on many occassions.
What I used to do as Deidara, in 2012-2013, is yell KATSSSSSSSSSSU(his signature quote) when people asked me to pose. It was really fun.
Early on, the cosplay really sucked(photo to the direct right). The first time I did it, at Fanime 2012, I used no makeup, no wig styling(bought the wig), no consideration of appearance or costesting. The wig was a dirty blonde color that I thought was ok but realized later on(around early 2013) that it needed to be closer to a cartoony yellow.
(May 2012-Feb 2018, Cosplay 1)